Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Long Position Cut Loss

Date of exit : 24 July 2013
Title : Long Position Cut Loss
I cut my loss at 2243 with a loss of 40 points. My average buying price is 2281 [( 2278 + 2284 ) / 2]

The Loss : RM2000 (40poins x RM25 x 2contracts = RM2000) 
The balance is now RM 29,800 (RM 31,800 - RM 2000 = RM 29,800)
(The details of my account is at My Future Trading Account Records 2012 )

Date of entry : 18 July 2013
Title : Long CPO At 2278 
I initiated long position for CPO Oct 2013 Future Contract for 1 contract (half of my position) at 2278. MACD is recovering well.

I longed second contract at 2284 with a total of 2 contracts.


  1. Thank you

  2. can i follow your entry and exit FOC?

  3. Hi Ahmad Kamal Abdul Aziz,
    I think it is best for you to do your own research and improve your skill over time. As trading is a risky business. I could be wrong at times.

    Thanks for asking
