Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Exited Trade To Lock Profit

Date of exit : 6 Nov 2012
Title : Exited Trade To Lock Profit
I longed to close my position at 2380 for 111 points again (2 points for commission). I am not sure the next direction. It might continue the downwards, but I just want to confirm my profit.

The Profit : RM2775 (111points x RM25 x 1contract = RM2775)

My balance is now RM30,325 (RM27,550 + RM2775 = RM30,325)
(The details of my account is at My Future Trading Account Records 2012 )

Date of exit : 2 Nov 2012
Title : Reversed To Short CPO
I also shorted CPO Jan 2013 at 2493 for 1 contract. 2493 turned out to be almost a day low. The feeling sucks but I have to move on and follow the rule.