Friday, July 8, 2011

Stop Loss Hit

Date of entry: 8 July 2011
Long FCPO On Opening Bell
I longed FCPO Sept 2011 Future Contract at 3100 on opening bell. It is a break up I have been waiting for. Looking at the current price of 3090, the market is not strong enough.

Date of exit: Same Day
Stop Loss Hit
My stop loss was hit at 3081 with a loss of 20 points (1 point for commission). This could mean that the current upside is not strong enough.

The Loss: RM500 (20points x RM25 x 1contract = RM500)

The balance of my account is RM24,625 after the loss of RM500.
(The details of my account is at My Future Trading Account Records 2011 )


  1. Abel me(wilson),i also still waiting the good price to long more(mayb today or monday bcos fcpo report),bcos i still hold the 6contract,today the fcpo deposite is drow at 5250.

  2. Hi Wilson,

    I am surprised that the deposit is down. The market is at the bullish unless it breaks down again.


  3. Abel me(wilson),mayb u r right.i think.....i want to close it

  4. Hi Wilson,

    It is hard to say. The market could go either way.


  5. close oct 3083x6 done win rm3900
