Thursday, January 6, 2011

Stop Out At 3858

Date of entry: 6 Jan 2011
Long CPO March Contract At The Open
I longed FCPO March 2011 future contract on opening bell at the price of 3880 for 1 contract. It opened with a gap and the price stays well above moving averages.

Date of exit: Same Day
Stop Out At 3858
My position was stopped out at 3858 with a loss of 23 points. It is ok being stopped out since there are gaps at open lately.

My Losses: RM575 (23points x RM25 x 1contract = RM575)

The balance of my account is RM15,775 after the loss of RM575.
(The details of my account is at My Future Trading Account Records 2011 )


  1. No stop loss or target price?

  2. Hi Abel,
    I found that recently your stop loss range is so tight for FCPO. We should understand daily volatility for FCPO is much higher than early of last year. 50pts should be ok.

  3. Hi,

    Thank you for pointing out. I will look into the stop loss range.

